发布时间:2024/04/09 20:13:58
循前人智慧,踏上学术之旅有如在未知的水域航行。正如拉尔夫∙沃尔多∙爱默生所说:“do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”(不要沿着前人的路走,去自己开路并留下足迹)。在这一原则的指引下,我来到了中国,从清华大学出发,又走进了山东大学这片沃土。
embarking on a prosperous academic career is similar to navigating uncharted waters, under the wisdom of those who have gone before us. as stated by ralph waldo emerson, "do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." adhering to this principle, i have forged my journey, commencing from tsinghua university to the esteemed corridors of shandong university.
my academic career in china began with a phd at the school of civil engineering, tsinghua university. after graduating six months ahead of a planned schedule (early graduation), i was honored to be selected as a shuimu scholar (a postdoc position offered to the outstanding young talents all over the world by tsinghua university). during this pivotal period, i secured two research projects as principal investigator, funded by the national natural science foundation of china (under the research fund for international young scientist research grant, rfis-i) and the china postdoctoral science foundation, respectively. these achievements lead my career to the esteemed shores of shandong university.
my initial exposure to the promising opportunities within this prestigious university established through contacting prof. ranhang zhao in the school of civil engineering, shandong university. the chairman of the academic committee prof. liu bin and prof. zhang qingsong organized my interview. later, i had a long-time communication with the teachers here. it was the interview that sparked my eager anticipation and enthusiasm with the shandong university. i was also fascinated by the strong academic atmosphere and excellent international development at the school of civil engineering, so that i decided to join this big family without any hesitation.
during the later process of the contract signing, application of entry visa and the induction, the faculty members in the department of international affairs, personnel department and school of civil engineering were always highly responsible, careful and helpful, which made me deeply moved. upon my arrival at jinan for the first time, i was warmly welcomed by the shandong university family; teachers at the school of civil engineering had a deep communication with me. their encouragement and belief in my potential inspired in me a deep sense of gratitude and determination.
as i embark on this new chapter at shandong university, i am very confident to contribute to its rich legacy of academic excellence and innovation. progressing forward, this journey serves as a constant reminder of the privilege bestowed upon me to be a part of such a prestigious and renowned institute. i express my sincere gratitude to the esteemed faculty and staff members of shandong university, especially the teachers responsible for personnel development and international affairs at the school of civil engineering, for their warm reception and entrusting me with the responsibility to contribute to its esteemed legacy.
jinan, famous for its diverse culture and intellect environment, provides ideal facilities to smoothen this exciting journey. with deepest gratitude, i look forward to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, as collectively we strive towards a brighter and promising future.
【作者:外籍教师 khalil ur rahman 翻译:田书瑶 来自单位:土建学院 国际部 责编:谢婷婷 王亦婷】