发布时间:2024/08/27 21:54:41
最后,作为土木工程专业的学生,我能够解开自己对职业道路的一些困惑。中国和韩国的项目确实有助于解决这个问题,甚至从我开始撰写“亚洲校园”申请表的那一刻起,我就有机会开始思考自己想要深入学习的领域。如上所述,以前我只是按照学校规定的课程,到第三年之前都专注于必修课程。但是在这个项目中,我了解到了当今一些公司在洪水管理、土壤管理方面所使用的先进技术。我还参观了以tbm 和岩土工程为重点的研究实验室,认真学习研究报告、设备和模型,这让我对未来的发展道路有了更加清晰的认识。
i am a common student who just studies for civil engineering. it has been three years since i entered sungkyunkwan university, and for that time, i took the courses what our school suggested. in other words, i was so passive, not active. i prepared for final exams for my major lectures as usual. and there was an announcement about this campus asia program. i have heard about this program from my friends who participated in last year, so i decided to take part in this program. actually, it was second time that i had met students from other countries of a similar age.
when i was in my first year of high school, i had the opportunity to participate in the“asia youth education forum”, which involved three countries: china, malaysia, and south korea. however, i regretted not being more active in the forum at that time. so i made a resolution to be more proactive in approaching others during the campus asia program.
after a short time in korea, the program continued in china. in china, i attended classes related to civil engineering, especially on flood disaster management and soil management methods. additionally, i engaged in various cultural activities, including visiting museums that offered insights into chinese culture and participating in hands-on experiences. we also concluded the program by touring the area around shandong university with our group of friends.
through this program, i gained three insights. first, it was about the promise that i made to myself before the program began. although i still have some regrets, i made a considerable effort to initiate conversations with friends from other countries. if i had been asked to start a conversation in south korea, i might not have been able to do it. however, since we communicated in english, it was naturally difficult for all of us. as a result, we used various ways such as gestures, pictures from the internet, and translation tools to communicate, and this effort actually helped ease the awkwardness.
secondly, i developed the ability to understand differences. before this program, when i encountered someone with different thoughts or behaviour from mine, i tended to just leave them rather than try to understand them. however, during this program, i had to spend an entire day in the same space with not only my korean friends but also chinese and japanese friends. and during these days, there are a lot of events that i have never seen or experienced before. but as we spent a lot of time together, had so many conversations with each other, asked questions when feeling curious about something, understanding differences became more natural to me. moreover, preparing for the final presentation and visiting the museums about chinese culture and history, which was the last activity in china, especially helped me gain a deeper understanding of the country and its culture.
lastly, as a civil engineering student, i was able to resolve some of my concerns about my career path. the programs in china and south korea did contribute to this, and even from the moment i started writing my applications for campus asia, it became an opportunity for me to reflect on the field i want to study. previously, as is mentioned above, i just followed the curriculum set by the school, focusing on the required courses until my third year. however, in this program, i learned about the technologies that companies use nowadays in flood management and soil management. in addition, visiting research labs focusing on tbm and geotechnical engineering, where i saw reports, equipment and models needed for their research with my own eyes gave me a clearer vision of my future path.
through this program, i was able to grow beyond just being a university student. additionally, by interacting with friends from other countries who are studying the same field, civil engineering, i was able to learn even more academically. on a personal and academic level, i do not regret participating in this program at all. finally, i would like to conclude my story about my journey in china by expressing my gratitude to all the chinese friends, teachers and professors who helped me during my time there.

【作者:山东大学2024年度“亚洲校园”山东大学站项目参加者 李政润 来自单位:成均馆大学 责编:蒋晓涵 普布普赤】